Masakini : Bolasepak Sarawak bertaraf Moden
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera saudara,
Saya tertarik dengan ulasan, fakta dan perkongsian pengalaman saudara melalui blogspot saudara (laman web iaitu Sebaliknya, saya melihat kepada sudut dimensi dan perspektif yang berbeza dalam memperdebatkan pembangunan bolasepak Negeri Sarawak. Inisiatifnya adalah demi mentranformasikan bolasepak Sarawak yang moden dan corak permainan secara total. Saya tidak menyangkal bahawa semenjak tahun 1989, Pasukan Sarawak yang lebih dikenali dengan pasukan Ngap Sayot begitu digeruni oleh pasukan lawan sama ada dalam Liga Semi-Pro ataupu Piala Malaysia. Bahkan pasukan Sarawak pada dekad tersebut menjadi pasukan pilihan dalam setiap perlawanan dan sentiasa meyakinkan untuk mendapat kemenangan.
Pasukan Ngap Sayot yang dibimbing oleh jurulatih Awang Mahyan pada masa itu telah mendominasi arena bolasepak dan sentiasa mendapat perhatian utama di setiap akhbar tempatan. Kekuatan pasukan Sarawak tidak dapat dikekang dengan semangat pemain-pemain dengan kecergasan fizikal yang tinggi dan semangat penyokong-penyokong di Stadium yang unik dan hebat sekaligus menjadi saingan yang sengit kepada pasukan yang kuat terutamanya Kedah, Selangor, Singapura dan Kuala Lumpur. Slogan Ngap Sayot di kalangan anak-anak tempatan yang menjadi penyokong setia sentiasa memberi aura sekaligus membakar semangat kepada pemain-pemain untuk berjuang kea rah kemenangan.
Sememangnya tidak disangkal pada ketika itu, corak permainan Sarawak yang pantas dan keras dengan tahap fizikal yang tinggi menjadikan pasukan lawan ‘kalah bulu’ dan gentar dengan corak permainan Sarawak yang sentiasa menyerang. Saya masih ingat lagi pada ketika itu, setiap gerakan serangan sama ada bahagian sayap atau bahagian tengah dialuni dengan geruan dan sorakan penyokong di Stadium menjadikan keseluruhan Stadium Sarawak ‘bergegar’, bahkan sehinggakan pengadilan dipersoalkan oleh penyokong jika keputusan berpihak kepada pasukan lawan jika berlakunya kesilapan kecil.
Kehebatan penyokong-penyokong pasukan Ngap Sayot yang luar biasa dan tidak berbelah bahagi apatah lagi kepada mereka yang fanatik dan mempunyai semangat kenegerian. Laluan utama ke Stadium sentiasa sesak sehinggakan limpahan jumlah penonton sehingga ke trek Stadium pun menjadi cabaran utama pihak keselamatan dikalangan FRU Polis dan Rela untuk berkawal. Manakala, mereka yang tidak berkesempatan ke Stadium juga mengambil peluang mendengar ulasan langsung daripada corong radio RTM Sarawak. Pemain-pemain seperti Mohd. Ali Shafiee, Jalil Ramli, Roslan Ismail, Afandi Jol dan sehebat dengan barisan utama pasukan sentiasa menjadi idola penyokong ketika itu sekaligus menidakkan sumbangan besar daripada Jurulatih, Awang Mahyan.
Itulah petunjuk kebangkitan pasukan Sarawak pada ketika itu yang mengamalkan permainan yang pantas, keras, dan kasar serta seimbang dalam membuat serangan. Ini ditambah lagi dengan sokongan hebat penonton di Stadium. Pernah suatu ketika, berlaku terjahan-terjahan kasar jika kekalahan berlaku pada saat-saat akhir apatah lagi dengan keadaan pemain-pemain yang emosi. Tahun demi tahun selepas itu, Sarawak mengalami beberapa siri kekalahan dan dominasi pasukan Sarawak semakin luntur dan tidak digeruni lagi. Pelbagai usaha dilakukan selepas itu, tetapi tiada perkembangan yang lebih positif berlaku. Semenjak itulah, peminat bolasepak Sarawak yang dulunya fanatik tidak lagi datang ke Stadium. Yang dulunya sokongan penyokong adalah luar biasa menjadi ‘tidak biasa’, sehinggakan putus asa untuk mengikuti perkembangan bolasepak negeri.
Itu adalah nostalgia kehebatan pasukan Sarawak dahulu. Tapi hari ini, Pasukan Bolasepak Sarawak telah melalui perubahan landskap dan gelombang baru dengan memberi fokus kepada tahap permainan yang berprofail tinggi serta berpaksikan kepada skill, taktik, strategi, profesional dan corak permainan yang moden. Skill individu dan pasukan adalah menjadi tonggak utama dengan pendekatan taktik dan strategi secara professional oleh jurulatih (Robert Albert) yang berpengalaman dan bertaraf antarabangsa sekaligus menjadi hipotesis utama kepada anjakan cara permainan moden. Corak permainan yang moden dan berskill tinggi ini memberi dimensi dan perspektif baru kepada pasukan Sarawak. Inilah pendekatan yang diusahakan oleh Persatuan Bolapsepak Sarawak yang perlu dilaksanakan sepenuhnya.
Kalau kita lihat kepada Liga Bolasepak Antarabangsa terutamanya English Premier League (EPL), LA Liga (Liga Sepanyol), Serie A (Liga Itali) dan setaraf dengannya mengamalkan corak permainan berskill tinggi serta mempunyai taktik permainan bertaraf dunia. Contohnya, pasukan Barcelona diiktiraf sebagai pasukan Kelab terbaik dunia apabila memenangi Liga-liga juara Eropah 2011, juara LA Liga dan beberapa pertandingan di peringkat Eropah. Jika anda lihat ,corak permainan pasukan Barcelona yang mengamalkan permainan berskill tinggi.
Pemain seperti Lionel Messi, David Villa, Pedro, Puyol, Xavi, Inniesta, Alves dan sehebat dengannya mempunyai skill individu yang tinggi, apatah lagi dengan corak permainan yang berstruktur, bergerak secara organisasi (berpasukan), hantaran yang tepat dan pendek dan mempunyai taktikal yang tinggi dan pendekatan ‘fair play’ yang diterapkan oleh jurulatihnya (Giordola) sekaligus memberi impak kepada kemenangan Kelab tersebut di peringkat Eropah.
Kebanyakkan pemain ini diangkat sebagai pemain pasukan Kebangsaan Sepanyol dan menjadi pasukan berada kelas pertama dunia. Usaha-usaha ini bukanlah hanya sekelip mata bahkan hakikatnya ia telah melalui proses transformasi selama 2 dekad yang lalu di Sepanyol. Cabaran sedekad ini adalah apabila Negara Jerman dan Jepun dalam usaha untuk meniru dan mengadaptasikan corak dan gaya permainan Negara Sepanyol. Sehinggakan Negara Cina dalam usaha untuk meniru dan melatih pemainnya seperti Lionel Messi. Bayangkan...
Secara perspektifnya, kita dapat melihat bagaimana dengan kehebatan skill, taktik, strategi, corak permainan dan pengalaman pemain-pemain yang bertaraf dunia memberi impak kepada keseluruhan pembangunan bolasepak Negara tersebut. Malahan, pembangunan bolasepak di peringkat akdemik juga menitikberatkan skill individu dan taktikal yang tinggi. Inilah dinamakan permainan bolasepak secara total dan moden. Persoalannya, mampukah kita merealisasikan impian pasukan Negeri Sarawak seperti Kelab Barcelona yang diangkat sebagai pasukan terbaik dunia? Mampukah kita mengikuti corak permainan moden Barcelona untuk diadaptasikan kepada pasukan Negeri kita? Mampukah kita melahirkan pemain seperti Xavi, Inniesta, Lionel Messi dan sebaris hebat dengannya? Adakah kita sebagai pemerhati hanya membanggakan Kelab Barcelona sebagai Kelab Idola kita dengan memakai pakaian Barcelona lalu mendabik dada kepada rakan-rakan kita yang meminati Kelab-kelab lain Eropah (Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Ajax, Bayern Munchern, Porto, Inter Milan)?
Bayangkan, jika Bolasepak Negeri Sarawak menjadikan Kelab-kelab terbaik dunia sebagai kayu pengukur kepada pembangunan bolasepak secara total dengan mengambilkira skill, permainan moden dan taktikal yang tinggi, saya percaya suatu hari nanti tidak hairanlah pasukan kita diangkat ke tahap yang lebih tinggi sekali di mata dunia bahkan pemain-pemain tempatan menjadi pemain import kepada Kelab-kelab terbaik dunia.
Saya percaya, inilah usaha yang sedang dilaksanakan oleh Persatuan Negeri Sarawak ke arah memajukan dan memodenkan permainan bolasepak Negeri Sarawak. Usaha ini telah terbukti melalui pendekatan dan kemenangan di peringkat Liga Malaysia dan berada kedua terbaik dalam liga. Yang paling penting adalah sokongan dan gelombang aura Ngap Sayot yang dulunya mengegarkan Stadium amat diteguhi sepenuhnya dalam arena Liga Super tahun ini. Dengan “Game Plan” dan adunan permainan yang moden serta berskill tinggi diikuti dengan sokongan penyokong Ngap Sayot dijangka akan memberi suntikan yang tinggi sekali kepada pemain-pemain agar mencapai kemenangan dalam liga-liga domestik pada masa akan datang. Usaha yang berterusan ini sentiasa dipertingkatkan, malahan pendedahan pemain-pemain dan pengalaman jurulatih Negeri Sarawak, Robert Albert di peringkat antarabangsa sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan dan perbincangan taktikal dengan rakan-rakan di luar Negara akan diperluaskan sekaligus merealisasikan usaha menjadikan Sarawak sebagai pasukan No. 1 dan berprestasi tinggi di Malaysia.
Come On, Ngap Sayot, Encang Sarawak, Bujang Senang dan apa jua slogan yang diperjuangkan semata-mata untuk kemenangan pasukan Sarawak, bersatulah, penuhilah dan gegarlah stadium Negeri kita. Anak-anak Sarawak di segenap ceruk inci tanah di Sarawak dan juga mereka yang berada di Semenanjung, bergemalah dan bersatu memberi semangat luar biasa kepada pasukan kita. Sesungguhnya, semangat luar biasa ini akan akan member impak yang besar sekaligus memartabatkan maruah pasukan Sarawak di arena sukan bola sepak masa kini.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sarawak Football Website
Hi....The NEW face for Football of Sarawak will be launch by my honor President of FAS, Datu Sudarsono Osman on 1st December 2010. The new domain will be informed later...the objective of this website is to inform up to date news to sarawakian people and fan club about the progress of sarawak football as well as second media to the people's. Probably, we invite all to update us such as pictures, history, some report in order to make it happen. Your credit are will be appreciated....
Monday, June 7, 2010
Contenders get into the spirit
Contenders get into the spirit
( Monday 7 June 2010
Contenders get into the spirit
Talent is not the only ingredient in a world-beating squad. In fact, building a team of champions is always a matter of finding the right blend between individual quality, experience and a winning mentality. Which explains why many of the 23-man squad lists of the nations participating in this year's FIFA World Cup™ contain an assortment of famous names along with some less familiar ones.
More than simply choosing the players, however, the job of the coaches is to foster an indomitable team spirit right from the training stage. In order to achieve this, the various technical staffs have resorted to some novel measures to galvanise their squads.
This year the prize for the most original motivational approach surely goes to Japan, who rounded off their build-up in Switzerland with a visit from members of Japanese boy band Exile. During the event, Takeshi Okada’s men were presented with a banner and some origami cranes in the team’s colours.
By contrast, USA sought support from a higher authority just before heading out to South Africa, visiting the White House to receive a rousing presidential send-off from Barack Obama. Accompanied by Bill Clinton, his predecessor and the honorary chairman of the USA bid committee for the 2018 and 2022 editions of the competition, the US president assured the team that the whole country would be rooting for them. "You’re going to be representing all of us and we are incredibly proud of what you’ve done already".
Prior to their campaign, the German team had an audience with Formula 1 racing driver Nico Rosberg and celebrated mountaineer Reinhold Messner. And to add a physical dimension to this exchange of experiences, Joachim Low’s men even received a visit from legendary New Zealand rugby star Jonah Lomu at their training camp.
It’s important to tell the players that teamwork is not just an expression.
Carlos Queiroz, Portugal coach.
The mountains have provided a source of inspiration for many of this year’s hopefuls, with the Portugal team also sharing stories with a renowned climber in the form of Joao Garcia. The alpine adventurer had some uplifting words for his countrymen: "I wanted to give them a message of hope", explained the veteran alpinist, who lost the tip of his nose to frostbite during his first attempt to scale Mount Everest. "The greatest achievements are based on passion, honesty, hard work and humility".
In a further attempt to build fighting spirit among his troops, Lusitanians’ head coach Carlos Queiroz invited members of an elite Portuguese special forces unit to drop into the training ground and put his players through their paces in an armed combat simulation.
"It’s important to tell the players that teamwork is not just an expression. They are privileged in that, when a football team falls short, the price they pay is defeat. But there are other teams where, when a member of the team fails in his duties, he puts his own life and those of his partners in danger and the price they pay is death".
The French squad turned words into actions during the first week of their training camp in Tignes, in the French Alps. Just as in 2006, Raymond Domenech and his charges scaled a mountain before spending a night in an alpine refuge some 3000 metres above sea level. It provided the ideal surrounds in which to bring his players closer together.
"If you don’t get on with each other off the field, you won’t get on with each other on the field and won’t achieve anything during matches," the French coach apparently told his men. "Learn to appreciate each other, discover yourselves, be united."
Argentina supremo Diego Maradona has resorted to symbolism in an attempt to drum up some patriotic fervour among his protégés. Throughout his team’s build-up programme, the former FIFA World Cup-winner has had various slogans affixed to the players’ bedrooms in their training camp retreat, including one displayed next to an Albiceleste shirt which read 'There is nothing more important'.
Finally there was little to catch the eye as regards the preparations of reigning European champions Spain, if not the very location of their training camp. La Roja have returned to familiar surroundings in an apparent attempt to recapture the spirit which brought them victory in 2008, by choosing to prepare in the little Austrian village of Schruns. It is similar in many respects to Neustift im Stubaital, where the Iberians laid the seeds of their majestic triumph at UEFA EURO 2008. Only time will tell if this tactic will pay off for a second time.
( Monday 7 June 2010
Contenders get into the spirit
Talent is not the only ingredient in a world-beating squad. In fact, building a team of champions is always a matter of finding the right blend between individual quality, experience and a winning mentality. Which explains why many of the 23-man squad lists of the nations participating in this year's FIFA World Cup™ contain an assortment of famous names along with some less familiar ones.
More than simply choosing the players, however, the job of the coaches is to foster an indomitable team spirit right from the training stage. In order to achieve this, the various technical staffs have resorted to some novel measures to galvanise their squads.
This year the prize for the most original motivational approach surely goes to Japan, who rounded off their build-up in Switzerland with a visit from members of Japanese boy band Exile. During the event, Takeshi Okada’s men were presented with a banner and some origami cranes in the team’s colours.
By contrast, USA sought support from a higher authority just before heading out to South Africa, visiting the White House to receive a rousing presidential send-off from Barack Obama. Accompanied by Bill Clinton, his predecessor and the honorary chairman of the USA bid committee for the 2018 and 2022 editions of the competition, the US president assured the team that the whole country would be rooting for them. "You’re going to be representing all of us and we are incredibly proud of what you’ve done already".
Prior to their campaign, the German team had an audience with Formula 1 racing driver Nico Rosberg and celebrated mountaineer Reinhold Messner. And to add a physical dimension to this exchange of experiences, Joachim Low’s men even received a visit from legendary New Zealand rugby star Jonah Lomu at their training camp.
It’s important to tell the players that teamwork is not just an expression.
Carlos Queiroz, Portugal coach.
The mountains have provided a source of inspiration for many of this year’s hopefuls, with the Portugal team also sharing stories with a renowned climber in the form of Joao Garcia. The alpine adventurer had some uplifting words for his countrymen: "I wanted to give them a message of hope", explained the veteran alpinist, who lost the tip of his nose to frostbite during his first attempt to scale Mount Everest. "The greatest achievements are based on passion, honesty, hard work and humility".
In a further attempt to build fighting spirit among his troops, Lusitanians’ head coach Carlos Queiroz invited members of an elite Portuguese special forces unit to drop into the training ground and put his players through their paces in an armed combat simulation.
"It’s important to tell the players that teamwork is not just an expression. They are privileged in that, when a football team falls short, the price they pay is defeat. But there are other teams where, when a member of the team fails in his duties, he puts his own life and those of his partners in danger and the price they pay is death".
The French squad turned words into actions during the first week of their training camp in Tignes, in the French Alps. Just as in 2006, Raymond Domenech and his charges scaled a mountain before spending a night in an alpine refuge some 3000 metres above sea level. It provided the ideal surrounds in which to bring his players closer together.
"If you don’t get on with each other off the field, you won’t get on with each other on the field and won’t achieve anything during matches," the French coach apparently told his men. "Learn to appreciate each other, discover yourselves, be united."
Argentina supremo Diego Maradona has resorted to symbolism in an attempt to drum up some patriotic fervour among his protégés. Throughout his team’s build-up programme, the former FIFA World Cup-winner has had various slogans affixed to the players’ bedrooms in their training camp retreat, including one displayed next to an Albiceleste shirt which read 'There is nothing more important'.
Finally there was little to catch the eye as regards the preparations of reigning European champions Spain, if not the very location of their training camp. La Roja have returned to familiar surroundings in an apparent attempt to recapture the spirit which brought them victory in 2008, by choosing to prepare in the little Austrian village of Schruns. It is similar in many respects to Neustift im Stubaital, where the Iberians laid the seeds of their majestic triumph at UEFA EURO 2008. Only time will tell if this tactic will pay off for a second time.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Wow, 2010
Wow 2010,
Flasback to past 2 years....Award with Anugerah Kualiti Ketua Menteri 2008, Anugerah Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam 2009 and again realize the 5S Certifications as Coordinator for Kuching Divisional Office
Now, 2010....Team Leader for AVTC Lab and restructure the system and approach for HQ Planning Branch with 18 man powers. Divided into 2 teams with 2 main areas which is leads by PO's. As helicopter views for Development Control Sections, need full commitments and cooperations. Communications and leadership need to be happen in this sections with quality report together with the speed and integrity. More than 4 weeks, consider backlog. If backlog, declare failure in many things. So lets work as a strong team and work hard. With new environment, i need to learn more and more....
Flasback to past 2 years....Award with Anugerah Kualiti Ketua Menteri 2008, Anugerah Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam 2009 and again realize the 5S Certifications as Coordinator for Kuching Divisional Office
Now, 2010....Team Leader for AVTC Lab and restructure the system and approach for HQ Planning Branch with 18 man powers. Divided into 2 teams with 2 main areas which is leads by PO's. As helicopter views for Development Control Sections, need full commitments and cooperations. Communications and leadership need to be happen in this sections with quality report together with the speed and integrity. More than 4 weeks, consider backlog. If backlog, declare failure in many things. So lets work as a strong team and work hard. With new environment, i need to learn more and more....
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Farewell Party
This is picture to Faizal Bujang... (Picture Hasyimi with me...rock together...Hotel California....sadisss.....)
The Real Winner 2009 for Anugerah Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam, 2009
The real winner for Creative and Innovative Convention at Ipoh Perak should be Sassoku Team from Sarawak....This is it....(picture showing we are winning for Anugerah Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam, 2009)...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Congratulations LANDAS!!!
Continuously, this few month, the department awarded the best department lead not only the official event but also in the sport event. Last month, SASSOKU team win the KMK Convensyen 2009 at Miri to represent the State to the national level. NOW, LANDAS win the Sarawak Regatta 2009 for 30 paddlers in final in order to get back after 2 years crawling to get the King of Sarawak River title. Now, we celebrate this moment and there are 1,001 stories inside this efforts. Sad, happy and a lot of emotions in the LANDAS camp and i would like to give higher marks to LANDAS Mukah to bring back this title for LANDAS as a whole. With this extraordinary efforts become a standard for the other team to follow. Credit to PUSAKA team for a good sport spirit in this event. Looking forward for year 2010 at Sibu river. Organiser, LANDAS, you are 'sadiss' man, for the good preparations and full commitment. Thanks....gracias...
Memories in Sarawak Regatta 2009
Afternoon, i was shocked infront of me that one person carried by Rescue 911 who are collapse without breath in the boat (after finishing line). I though that, just normal. Suddenly i was informed by my friend that he passed away at Normah Hospital. Actually, i stand at Jetty Kpg Boyan who are permitted by organiser to get free pass to get the photos in Sarawak Regatta 2009. After that the Rescue 911 landed at that jetty Kpg. Boyan and it just infront of me. Then the Astro ESPN sport camera man and 1-2 profesional camera man also took the picture. So, here i also take opportunity to capture the person in the rescue boat. After that, the body bring out to the Normah Hospital...sad memories...i heard that this person as a footballer and also good as badminton Al-Fatihah to him...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Congratulations to the team namely Sassoku who are win the KMK Convention at Miri on 15-16 July 2009. The prizes consist Cash Money RM3,500.00, Gold Quality Trophy and Certificate. Mr. Abdullah Julaihi (my bos) nominated as The Best Facilitator. Now we can celebrate our effort together. Looking forward for World Class beat National level in KMK competition..Hopely, we can visit other country to do some benchmarking like a Australia, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong or LA....(nothing impossible) to collect the data and to study the detail of processing the instruments...and at the same time to learn something new from this country about the land management, planning, asssement, property and so on...Again,congratulations all...this is our spirit...
Sassoku Team
Facilitator : Abdullah Julaihi
Group Leader : Anthony Aboi
Team Name : Rorita binti Muhden
: Hatipah binti Bujang
: Patrick Henry
: Mokhtar bin Haji Yaman
: Mohd. Zunica b. Mohd. Sapi'ee (myself)
: Madeline ak. Ambit
: Kiu Chiong Chong
After this i have to look the Regatta Sarawak 2009, then go for the preparation on Seminar Perihal Tanah at Sibu Division...
Again, congratulate to Land and Survey team, Kuching Division and also our friend at HQ team DCMS who are also in the 3rd place. This is for our department to achieve a fantastic public service
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Great Bussiness
My word today is : To be a successfull bussiness in the world is profesional commitment and soft skill.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in the World
Thinking about going traveling overseas this summer? If you’re American, you might want to avoid Japan. Not that Japan isn’t a great tourist destination—it is—but these days the strength of the yen might make even Bill Gates think twice before booking a trip.
In its 2009 cost of living survey of the world’s most expensive cities global human resources firm ECA International concludes that of the five priciest, four of them are in Japan, with Tokyo being the toughest on the wallet. However, Tokyo only ranks second overall. The most expensive city in the survey? Luanda, the capital of Angola.
More from
» The World's Best Places to Live 2009
» Best Global Real Estate Buys
» The World’s Worst Places to Work
What ECA did was to break down a basket of 125 consumer goods and services in 370 countries around the globe, and compared them to what comparable costs would be against major world currencies. They perform this survey to provide international companies with cost-of-living information for their workers living overseas but it can be just as relevant for travelers planning shorter visits as well.
Of course, some things cost more in some countries and less in others. In Luanda a can of soda averages only $1.30. In Tokyo it costs $1.75 but in Copenhagen it costs an eye-popping $2.12. But in Luanda the price of a quick lunch is the highest in the world, averaging nearly $58. In contrast, a quick lunch in Manhattan, the most expensive city in the U.S., averages a relatively modest $18.61.
Why are these countries so expensive? It has primarily to do with the high costs of shipping, fuel and fluctuating exchange rates. While the global recession may be showing some signs of easing, in Japan, for example, the yen soared against the dollar and other currencies. That slammed profits at Japanese exporters such as Toyota, Sony, and Panasonic. It also drove up the cost of living for expats and tourists alike in Tokyo and other big Japanese cities. Last year Tokyo ranked no. 13 and Kobe, which came in fifth this year, was no. 29.
In the past 12 months the yen has risen 8% against the dollar, according to ECA’s Lee Quane, who says people coming from the U.S, “will notice a considerable difference in costs compared with 12 months ago."
But other cities saw equally dramatic shifts. In 2008, Manhattan came in at no. 84 and for 2009 jumped sixty-seven places to land at no. 17. Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, rose eighty-nine places from no. 109 to no. 20, Shanghai rose to no. 28 from no. 111, and Hong Kong went from no. 98 to no. 29.
Some places got less expensive, though. Norway’s capital Oslo slipped from second overall last year to no. 7 in 2009, Moscow fell 18 places to no. 23, and Rome dipped seven rungs to no. 37.
Japan wasn’t the only country that dominated the top ranks. Switzerland also had four cities, with Geneva (no. 8), Basel (no. 9), Zurich (no. 10) and Bern (no. 11). Which country came last? Maseru, Lesotho.
Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in the World
1. Luanda, Angola
2008 rank: 1
Movie ticket (in US$): 16.85
Quick lunch (in US$): 57.92
Washing machine (in US$): 1090.47
Kilo (2.2 pounds) of rice (in US$): 5.65
Can of soft drink (in US$): 1.30
2. Tokyo, Japan
2008 rank: 13
Movie ticket: 19.16
Quick lunch: 16.48
Washing machine: 886.77
Kilo of rice: 8.45
Can of soft drink: 1.75
3. Nagoya, Japan
2008 rank: 20
Movie ticket: 17.46
Quick lunch: 15.33
Washing machine: 899.97
Kilo of rice: 8.80
Can of soft drink: 1.57
4. Yokohama, Japan
2008 rank: 15
Movie ticket: 18.48
Quick lunch: 17.11
Washing machine: 910.04
Kilo of rice: 6.28
Can of soft drink: 1.18
5. Kobe, Japan
2008 rank: 29
Movie ticket: 16.92
Quick lunch: 14.96
Washing machine: 588.32
Kilo of rice: 7.09
Can of soft drink: 1.38
6. Copenhagen, Denmark
2008 rank: 4
Movie ticket: 13.31
Quick lunch: 28.71
Washing machine: 1053.27
Kilo of rice: 4.24
Can of soft drink: 2.12
7. Oslo, Norway
2008 rank: 2
Movie ticket: 12.84
Quick lunch: 32.65
Washing machine: 808.01
Kilo of rice: 4.40
Can of soft drink: 2.07
8. Geneva, Switzerland
2008 rank: 6
Movie ticket: 14.07
Quick lunch: 27.57
Washing machine: 1213.67
Kilo of rice: 3.48
Can of soft drink: 1.02
9. Zurich, Switzerland
2008 rank: 8
Movie ticket: 14.11
Quick lunch: 21.56
Washing machine: 978.45
Kilo of rice: 2.79
Can of soft drink: 0.99
10. Basel, Switzerland
2008 rank: 9
Movie ticket: 13.73
Quick lunch: 21.15
Washing machine: 744.59
Kilo of rice: 3.01
Can of soft drink: 1.03
In its 2009 cost of living survey of the world’s most expensive cities global human resources firm ECA International concludes that of the five priciest, four of them are in Japan, with Tokyo being the toughest on the wallet. However, Tokyo only ranks second overall. The most expensive city in the survey? Luanda, the capital of Angola.
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What ECA did was to break down a basket of 125 consumer goods and services in 370 countries around the globe, and compared them to what comparable costs would be against major world currencies. They perform this survey to provide international companies with cost-of-living information for their workers living overseas but it can be just as relevant for travelers planning shorter visits as well.
Of course, some things cost more in some countries and less in others. In Luanda a can of soda averages only $1.30. In Tokyo it costs $1.75 but in Copenhagen it costs an eye-popping $2.12. But in Luanda the price of a quick lunch is the highest in the world, averaging nearly $58. In contrast, a quick lunch in Manhattan, the most expensive city in the U.S., averages a relatively modest $18.61.
Why are these countries so expensive? It has primarily to do with the high costs of shipping, fuel and fluctuating exchange rates. While the global recession may be showing some signs of easing, in Japan, for example, the yen soared against the dollar and other currencies. That slammed profits at Japanese exporters such as Toyota, Sony, and Panasonic. It also drove up the cost of living for expats and tourists alike in Tokyo and other big Japanese cities. Last year Tokyo ranked no. 13 and Kobe, which came in fifth this year, was no. 29.
In the past 12 months the yen has risen 8% against the dollar, according to ECA’s Lee Quane, who says people coming from the U.S, “will notice a considerable difference in costs compared with 12 months ago."
But other cities saw equally dramatic shifts. In 2008, Manhattan came in at no. 84 and for 2009 jumped sixty-seven places to land at no. 17. Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, rose eighty-nine places from no. 109 to no. 20, Shanghai rose to no. 28 from no. 111, and Hong Kong went from no. 98 to no. 29.
Some places got less expensive, though. Norway’s capital Oslo slipped from second overall last year to no. 7 in 2009, Moscow fell 18 places to no. 23, and Rome dipped seven rungs to no. 37.
Japan wasn’t the only country that dominated the top ranks. Switzerland also had four cities, with Geneva (no. 8), Basel (no. 9), Zurich (no. 10) and Bern (no. 11). Which country came last? Maseru, Lesotho.
Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in the World
1. Luanda, Angola
2008 rank: 1
Movie ticket (in US$): 16.85
Quick lunch (in US$): 57.92
Washing machine (in US$): 1090.47
Kilo (2.2 pounds) of rice (in US$): 5.65
Can of soft drink (in US$): 1.30
2. Tokyo, Japan
2008 rank: 13
Movie ticket: 19.16
Quick lunch: 16.48
Washing machine: 886.77
Kilo of rice: 8.45
Can of soft drink: 1.75
3. Nagoya, Japan
2008 rank: 20
Movie ticket: 17.46
Quick lunch: 15.33
Washing machine: 899.97
Kilo of rice: 8.80
Can of soft drink: 1.57
4. Yokohama, Japan
2008 rank: 15
Movie ticket: 18.48
Quick lunch: 17.11
Washing machine: 910.04
Kilo of rice: 6.28
Can of soft drink: 1.18
5. Kobe, Japan
2008 rank: 29
Movie ticket: 16.92
Quick lunch: 14.96
Washing machine: 588.32
Kilo of rice: 7.09
Can of soft drink: 1.38
6. Copenhagen, Denmark
2008 rank: 4
Movie ticket: 13.31
Quick lunch: 28.71
Washing machine: 1053.27
Kilo of rice: 4.24
Can of soft drink: 2.12
7. Oslo, Norway
2008 rank: 2
Movie ticket: 12.84
Quick lunch: 32.65
Washing machine: 808.01
Kilo of rice: 4.40
Can of soft drink: 2.07
8. Geneva, Switzerland
2008 rank: 6
Movie ticket: 14.07
Quick lunch: 27.57
Washing machine: 1213.67
Kilo of rice: 3.48
Can of soft drink: 1.02
9. Zurich, Switzerland
2008 rank: 8
Movie ticket: 14.11
Quick lunch: 21.56
Washing machine: 978.45
Kilo of rice: 2.79
Can of soft drink: 0.99
10. Basel, Switzerland
2008 rank: 9
Movie ticket: 13.73
Quick lunch: 21.15
Washing machine: 744.59
Kilo of rice: 3.01
Can of soft drink: 1.03
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