Monday, August 3, 2009
Congratulations LANDAS!!!
Continuously, this few month, the department awarded the best department lead not only the official event but also in the sport event. Last month, SASSOKU team win the KMK Convensyen 2009 at Miri to represent the State to the national level. NOW, LANDAS win the Sarawak Regatta 2009 for 30 paddlers in final in order to get back after 2 years crawling to get the King of Sarawak River title. Now, we celebrate this moment and there are 1,001 stories inside this efforts. Sad, happy and a lot of emotions in the LANDAS camp and i would like to give higher marks to LANDAS Mukah to bring back this title for LANDAS as a whole. With this extraordinary efforts become a standard for the other team to follow. Credit to PUSAKA team for a good sport spirit in this event. Looking forward for year 2010 at Sibu river. Organiser, LANDAS, you are 'sadiss' man, for the good preparations and full commitment. Thanks....gracias...